From 1 April 2023: We are no longer delivering our Create self-employment programme.
If you’re a past member, visit the Create Facebook page to keep in touch with other Create members. Or if you’re an Abri customer looking for employment support, get in touch at
Our ‘Create’ self-employment training programme is a free online course with ongoing support.
Currently it’s part of Increase VS, an initiative that we’re working with eight UK and French Housing Associations on to tackle unemployment by delivering employment and training opportunities to people in the south-east of England and northern France. It’s co-funded by the Interreg France (Channel) England Programme and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
If you have an idea or passion you want to turn in to a business, or need some support with your current business, our Create course can guide and support you.
Why choose Create?
Our Create community is a unique place to learn, share, and support one another. We have a wide variety of business types and owners, and both residents and non-residents of Abri. So, there’s always someone who can help you with your burning question.
All of the training and business support is free, and available to anyone living in Hampshire and Wiltshire.
We’re creating thriving communities and empowering lives with our £15m five-year community investment, making sure we’re driving change where it’s needed most. Increasing employment for our customers and communities is one of the top priorities in our Community Strategy.
We’re proud that our Create course is helping to achieve this.
A little bit more about Create...
The Create course is run by Abri, one of the south of England’s largest housing providers. We’re about more than just homes. We’re creating thriving communities and empowering lives with our £15m five-year community investment, making sure we’re driving change where it’s needed most.
We know that you, the community, know what’s best. Which is why our investment plans are shaped by you. And you told us that employment, health and wellbeing and community empowerment were important to you. So, that’s what we’ve focused our investment on.
Not everyone is born with the same opportunities. Which is why we’ve got a whole team of people dedicated to helping give people the skills and confidence to find a job, start their own business, or get the training and support needed to climb the career ladder.
We’re proud of our award-winning Create course. It’s helped over 450 businesses start up, or step up to the next level. It has created a community who support each other, build each other up, and learn from each other.